Thursday, March 26, 2009


We have successful sleep! Shane actually slept for 3 hours straight in his bassinet last night! That meant that I slept for 3 hours on the couch and it felt great! Dan let me sleep from 7:30-10:30 last night and then Shane went in the bassinet from 1:30-4:20 so I almost slept 6 combined hours!
In other news, Shane spent Tuesday with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Irwin. As proud grandparents they swore he could hold his own pacifier and smile. I thought they were crazy, but Dan and I also noticed that he holds his own pacifier! Grandma Carolyn, who was here yesterday, also swears he smiles. Dan says he does too, but I am still sticking with the smiles being gas. Dan and I do think Shane is on the advanced track - he is holding his head up like a pro, he tries to "crawl" during tummy time on our chest, he removes his hands from the newborn sleeves of his pj's, and he is trying to roll over! We are so proud of our brilliant boy!
Today Aunt Geri is coming over to drive me to my OB appointment and hang out with her adorable nephew! I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life and in our beautiful son's life!
Here are some pictures of Shane with Grandma Judy & Grandpa Irwin, and a close up I took of his face that I love!

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