Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy first day of spring!!!!

Today is the first day of spring, though for us, Spring came 10 days ago! Today is also Shane's golden day birthday! He is such a great baby. We do not sleep at night because Shane is only happy in his parents arms so Dan and I have been taking turns. I am not sure what I am going to do when Dan goes back to work... 
Shane lost his umbilical cord yesterday! Whoo hoo! However, we still need the area to heal up before he gets a real bath. 
In other news, Shane got his first piece of mail yesterday - a St. Patrick's Day card (Thanks, Aunt Geri & Uncle John)! We are saving the envelope and card!
I am going to include many more pictures because our little guy is so darn cute!!!! You can see that we are taking pictures of him in the many outfits you have all sent our way! 
Dan is so in love with his son, as you can tell in the photos, that he wears his spit up like a badge of honor! I asked him if he wanted to change this morning and he refused! It is so cute! He really is loving parenthood! I am too. I just look at Shane and I want to cry! His skin is so soft and his features so perfect, it seems impossible to believe that he is ours! We are so lucky!!!!
Please come meet the little man soon if you have not already! He is really adorable!

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