Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day!

Shane was so excited about Earth Day (he loves the environment like his mommy) that he refused to go to bed last night until 1 a.m. He obviously wanted to welcome in the holiday with his mother, not alone in his crib. I, on the other hand, feel much more festive when I have sleep. I celebrated Earth Day by recycling the same spit-up covered sweat shirt that I have been in for the past three days. Shane celebrated by wearing an adorable hand-me-down from his cousin Liam. We took some adorable pictures of Shane playing with the globe his "aunt" Kristine gave him. He is also starting to really like some of the toys he received from his buddy Connor. I have included pictures of him from today. Truly, I wanted to do something to celebrate Earth Day. Babies are so anti-environment. They require so much stuff and much of it is only used for such a short time. We have tried to take as many hand-me-downs as possible, but still feel like our house has been taken over by stuff. I also wish I had it in me to do cloth diapers, but I just don't. I am sorry Earth! To make up for it, Dan & I plan on raising a very environmentally conscious young man!

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