Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Shane continues to enjoy his summer and experience new and exciting adventures! The latest first was swimming! We got the OK from his doctor to take him in the water and decided that Sarah and Megan's graduation party would be a great place to try him out in the water. I was not expecting him to like it since he did not enjoy the bathtub. We practiced in there by filling up the tub and having Shane get in with us. He was not too happy about it. However, he loved going in the pool with his daddy. He was especially intrigued by the splashing he learned how to do! We can't wait to get him in the water again! Check out the short video clip at the end of the blog!
In other news, Shane is starting to really notice Thunder and we have been using Thunder as a way to encourage Shane to spend more time on his tummy! Shane HATES tummy time! I am convinced he will never crawl if he can't stand being on his belly! We will see.
Tomorrow is our graduation from out Master's program and Thursday will bring Pictures! I am taking Shane for his 4 month pictures to Sears for Safari day! He even has a cute safari outfit to wear! We are picking up Liam on Thursday and he will be staying with us until Saturday! We are all going to the zoo, with Kristine and Connor, on Friday and I can't wait!

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