Wednesday, June 3, 2009

12 weeks!

Well, it has actually been 12 weeks and 1 day since our little man came into our lives! I can hardly believe that it is already time to take him for his 3 month pictures! Time flies when you don't sleep! Therefore, I am hoping that time slows down a bit now that Shane is sleeping through the night more times than not. (I am knocking on wood as I type!) Yes, you read it right, we really do seem to have turned the corner! Last week was not a fluke. In fact, last night he actually slept from 10 pm until 6:40 am! He woke up super happy and so did his mommy!
Shane and I have been going for lots of walks and we are really looking forward to the summer when Dan will be home with us every day! Shane loves hanging out with his daddy! Dan is done with school on June 12th! We are really looking forward to having some relaxing time together!
The pictures I have attached are just some fun shots of the cutest baby on the planet! Check out his cool shades and his buddy Thunder!

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