Friday, May 15, 2009

Cards, Concerts, & Colic

Sorry for the lack of updating this week. It has been very busy!
Cards - Sunday was Mother's day and I was overwhelmed with the cards, calls, and gifts that I received. We had our parents over to celebrate the day. It was a bittersweet day for me. It was especially hard when I was wished a Happy 1st Mother's Day by some. Yes, it was the first Mother's Day that I had any reason to celebrate and yes, it was my first with a living child. However, Madeleine is also my child. Unfortunately, I have to visit her in the cemetery. Of course everyone meant well. Sorry, I am still grieving her loss and I am angry about all of the things that Madeleine was robbed of... Dan gave me a beautiful Mother's necklace that shows a mother and child and has the birthstones of Madeleine and Shane. I absolutely love it!!!! I am also feeling so incredibly lucky to have Shane here happy and healthy! He is the light of my life! I am so thankful to the doctors that helped me get him here and to the TAC (trans abdominal cerclage) which kept him safe and sound until he was delivered.
Concerts - Well as you know I am here with Shane every day, all day and have been for the past 9 weeks (yes, my sweetie is 9 1/2 weeks old!!!) I have run to the store while Dan is with him or while our parents are here, but I have never left him for more than an hour until Tuesday. We were given the chance to go to see Bruce Springsteen on Tuesday night and we went. I was so nervous! My parents and Dan's mom babysat. They came over around 2 and we went over my extensive instructions. I think they thought I was crazy, especially when I showed them the vacuum cleaner cd that we play when Shane goes to sleep. I also think they thought I was exaggerating when I explained just how fussy he was at night. I had to laugh when Dan's mom was talking about how she was going to watch Dancing with the Stars and when my mom was asking what snacks I had for the evening. Little did they know that they could put the TV on but they would not be able to hear anything over the loud screams of my little man or that there is no time for snacks... I called home every 45 minutes to an hour before the show started. Dan and I had a nice dinner before arriving at the United Center and I admit it was nice to be away for a bit. Once we got in our seats around 8, I called home again and heard Shane in the background keeping his grandparents on their toes. Then Bruce took the stage. Our seats were smack dab in the center of the row and of course, everyone was standing. Normally, this would not be a problem for me because I never leave during a show. However, I have never had a baby at home before. By the time Bruce was on his second song I realized that I forgot to remind them that Shane sleeps on his back. Of course we have discussed his sleeping position many times, but I did not remind them of it that day. Of all the things to leave off of my list. I instantly tried to text Jorie asking her to call them and remind them. I am not good at texting and my first message was accidentally deleted. I finally got the message sent, but realized I needed to call myself. I climbed out over the row of screaming fans and called home. Of course they knew Shane slept on his back, but I had to call. It turns out that Shane cried from 6-10. I felt bad for the grandparents, but also felt a bit relieved. We are not crazy and we do not cause the screaming, it is just what Shane does. Thanks to the grandparents for babysitting!!!!!! Are you free next week?
Colic - Shane went for his 2 month doctors visit on Wednesday and Dan took the day off. I had heard nightmares of babies reactions to all of the shots and I was glad to not have to deal with it all alone. Shane weighs 12 pounds and 2 ounces and he is 22.25 inches long! He is healthy and growing perfectly! YAY!!!! The doctor also said that he has colic. There is really nothing that can be done for it. He did give us a sample of a probiotic to mix in his bottle twice a day, but did not seem to think it would help. He said to expect relief by 4 months. 4 MONTHS???? IS HE OUT OF HIS MIND? I thought relief came at 3 months. On a positive note, Shane had an awesome day on Wednesday and Thursday! In fact, we hardly had any crying Wednesday and Thursday night (45 minutes to an hour)! I swear Shane hears and understands the doctor - maybe he is the baby whisperer. After our 1 month appointment when the doctor told me to not let Shane feed for an hour. He said I should cut him off after a half hour, but I never had to cut him off - he just ate faster on his own. It was like he knew! Maybe this will be the same thing, he will be a normal fussy baby now. A girl can dream can't she? I have high hopes that he has turned the corner (Yes, I am knocking - no make that banging - on wood.) We are driving down to Champaign this weekend for our nephew Jack's graduation and I am hoping Shane behaves. I'll let you know next week. We are also planning on taking him to Dan's school on Monday so I can help the Space Shuttle get built. That should be interesting...

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