Thursday, September 17, 2009

6 months in review!

Our little baby is 6 months old - Well, he is actually 6 months and 1 week old, but his mommy just got around to updating his blog! When Shane was born Kristine gave us the great idea of taking his photo each month in the same outfit and in the same place. We have done that religiously each month. Here are the photos.
Shane - Month 1

Shane - Month 2

Shane - Month 3

Shane - Month 4

Shane - Month 5

Shane - Month 6

We always take many pictures each month, but these are the best. The one thing that I wish we had done was take all of the pictures as close ups or from a distance. We have done both each month, but often the close up or the distance shot is blurry. I think the growth is still obvious, but I wish we had done them all the same. Shane is wearing a 12 month Notre Dame jersey and it is no longer huge on him!
In other news, the teeth are much more visible and you could really see them in several of his 6 month pictures. He was so happy for his photo shoot which is in marked contrast form how he was at his 5 month photo shoot. This time, all I had to do was say "peas" and Shane smiled. We took his pictures in a Notre Dame outfit and a football outfit. He looked so cute. Here are a few of my favorites.

OK, I know I said a few, but my baby is the cutest! You should see all of the pictures I did not post!
Shane loves the word peas! Here is some video proof. Now you know why he smiled so much at his video shoot!
We went to visit my good friend Melanie in Michigan last weekend! Shane went to his first college football game (Notre Dame vs. Michigan) and had a blast! It was so nice to see Melanie, Wally, Elliott and Clara. I taught Elliott and Clara so it is so hard to believe that they are 21 and 19! Shane had a great time at the game, he better have since we had to buy him a ticket! Can you believe that infants need tickets to all college football games? RIDICULOUS! Here are some game pictures.

We also had a great time at Melanie's house, which is stunning! Shane loved her two doggies - Dutchess and Domino! Here are some pictures of Shane and Melanie, Shane and Clara, and Shane with Wally, Melanie and Clara. Elliott was working all day both days we were there so we only saw him in the evening.

This week we have been watching Shane's buddy Augie while my friend Anna is at work. Shane has had a great time with Augie, who is 3 months older than Shane and crawling. We are hoping Shane can learn from Augie. Here are some pictures and a video.

Finally, Shane is learning how to clap. He did it for the first time yesterday. He is also loving his jumper. Here is some video of my little hopper!

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