Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Summer continues to be busy and wonderful! We headed off to Milwaukee for Summerfest last week. I was worried that there would not be enough for Shane to do, but my worry was for nothing! He had a BLAST! I even was able to convince Dan to put the harness on Shane that Kristine gave us in case we needed to let him walk around Summerfest. Dan did not believe in harnesses, he thought parents should just control their children. That is a nice theory until you have a toddler who is fearless and independent. Shane loves to try and run into the street and if he wants to walk one way and you want to go the other, he sits down and screams. After witnessing that for a few weeks, Dan agreed to the harness due to the large crowds. You will see the harness, but not the leash in some of the pictures. We never needed to use the leash (it does sound horrible to be discussing the leashing of my son...) because there was so much for Shane to do. They had a splash pad and Shane spent a LONG time there plus a huge playground and inflatables. Shane had plenty to do and was happy to ride in the stroller after all of the playing & eating he did at each area.Here are some pictures from the park. They are not the best because Shane was so busy - I think I chased him across the bridge 200 times in our many visits to the play area - that he never stopped to smile at the camera.

After playing, we stopped and had an animal balloon made for Shane - Dan requested a teddy bear and something that resembled one was given to Shane. Shane was fascinated with the balloon making process and loved his bear a little too much! After many hugs and kisses, parts kept popping. Our fearless son was not at all bothered by the popping balloons, but I do think he was sad to lose his little friend.

After the balloon, it was time for Dan and Shane to try some Hawaiian Shaved Ice. Dan is obsessed with the stuff and probably had 10 in our 2 days there! Shane also really enjoyed the treat!

After the cool treat, we walked by the splash pad. I did not know there was one and though I had packed a suit and swim diaper, both were at the hotel. Shane was excited and wanted to go in, but I was not sure. After the zoo where I let him in in his clothes and he stayed wet all day, I knew I did not want a repeat of that. Shane was pointing and saying, "Dat! Dat!" so we stripped him down to his diaper, lathered him up with more sunscreen and let him go! He had NO fear of the water and attracted a following among the splash pad crowd. Every time he would fall, the crowd would say "Ohhhhhh" In fact they erupted with laughter every time he tried to stick his face in the fountain and multiple people told me they were in love with him and that he was adorable. Strangers were snapping pictures and taking video of Shane. I also heard over and over how fearless he is. Dan thinks it is great. I think we are in big trouble when he hits the teen years! I felt like the parent of a famous child - it was so cute!. We had to change his diaper twice as it filled with tons of water. Shane played in there an hour. We finally pulled him when he was so tired that he kept falling over - it was HYSTERICAL!

Here is some video of Shane's water adventures.

After the big water adventure, we let Shane rest up and then we hit the inflatables. Shane LOVED them and had a great time running around in there.

After dinner it was time for one more quick trip to the park and then we headed back to the hotel around 8 PM. We were all asleep by 9:30 and Shane slept until 8:30 the next morning!!!!

The next day was more of the same, I will spare you pictures of all but the splash pad. I had Shane's suit and swim diaper so he was ready to go! The attendant watching the splash pad told me Shane had the record for the longest amount of time spent in the water. I told you, my little man LOVES water! He also used the word fearless to describe Shane - everyone says that and that is starting to worry me.

And more video!

After our busy few days we were glad to relax at home and Shane even showed off some of his dance moves! He is starting to get shy so he has a tendency to slow down or stop when the camera is on him.

We spent the 4th of July at home. Shane tested out his new kiddie pool (THANKS, Bertha & Ken!) and ran through the sprinkler. We hung out a bit with some neighbors and intended to go to the fireworks, but Shane was too tired. Once he went to sleep, we grabbed the monitor and sat outside with our neighbors and watched the crazy firework displays going off around the neighborhood. When I was growing up, the only fireworks we had were sparklers (which are so dangerous - who knew?), punks, snakes, smoke bombs, and snaps. Today, grown men spend thousands of dollars on professional fireworks - it was crazy to stand outside and watch. I was happy that no one on my block had anything like that! Yikes!
This is what I saw when I came out of the bathroom on the 4th of July - The camera was on video and I wanted to take a picture, but accidentally shot video. How cute is that! Shane loves his Thunder!

Here are the pool pictures.

Here is Shane playing in the yard and in the sprinkler.

And some sprinkler video.

Here is our family 4th of July picture.

We were able to spend some of the 4th of July weekend at the pool in Dan's parents condo complex. Kristine gave us a float for him to sit in that was Connor's and Shane loved it until Dan removed him from there and let him be free. After that, Shane would not go back in the float so we carried him in the pool and he had a blast!

After the big day of swimming, we went back to
Grandma & Grandpa Greenfield's for dinner. Shane loved hanging with his grandparents and showing off his dance moves to them! It was so cute! Here are some pictures of Shane hanging out and wearing his 4th of July outfit (Thanks Aunt Joan) and pj's.

On Thursday our great friends Mike and Sally and their boys, Mike and John, came over! It was wonderful to see them since they have been out of the country for a year. They moved to Costa Rica last year where Mike teaches math and science and Sally is now doing some project management for the school. The original plan was for them to stay in Costa Rica or a year, but they have extended that another year and will be going back in a little over a week. You can follow their adventures at It was amazing to hear about their adventures, though I have been reading their blog since they left. We already miss them! Here are some pictures from the day. You will notice one of Shane's new tricks in one of the pictures- he can now turn on & off the TV! Lucky us!

Shane and I headed to the Morton Arboretum this week to meet Kristine and Connor. They have a beautiful children's garden with lots of water features and Shane loved it! Here Connor and Shane enjoyed the large "Water Ball."

Next we moved on to a "touch pond" and Shane had a blast splashing in it! While Shane splashed, Connor played on the playground equipment.

Next, we moved on to a frog area where Shane had a blast with the water shooting from the frog fountains!

On Saturday, Dan & I headed to the Plainfield Pool and Shane loved playing in the zero depth pool and in their splash area. I ran out of room on my memory stick so I have no pictures of the splash/play area. He really liked the large water table in the play area! It was a great day for the pool! Next time, Shane must have a life vest. He purposely fell over and over again in the zero depth pool because he likes to have his face in the water. I almost had a nervous breakdown. For my sanity, a life vest will be purchased this week!

Last night we headed to my parents place to meet Jason's twin brother Jared who is in from Dallas. I purposely uploaded all of my pictures to the computer so I would have room on my camera for pictures, but I forgot the camera at home. Jorie let us use her cell phone camera to get a few shots, but the quality is not as good. I also forgot to take pictures until we were getting ready to leave. By then Shane was cranky so they lack his typical smile. Jared is sitting in the chair, in case you can't tell him and Jason apart. They are not identical, but for some reason, I mixed them up once. I commented to Jared that I liked his hair cut and then I realized it was Jared, not Jason - DUH!!!!

In other news, Shane's new favorite word is door. He loves to open and close them and says door all of the time - he is too funny! He loved our Milwaukee hotel room because he was able to open and close the doors in it.
OK, this post is WAY too long! Shane would like some breakfast, but before I sign off he wants to wish a happy birthday to all of his family members with July birthdays! Happy birthday to his Uncle Bob & cousins Megan & Colleen.

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