This year I tried to get the same photo, but Shane thought I was the goofy one!
Then Dan & I had a great time putting the hat on Shane and giving him some green milk to drink in his bottle! We also tried some corned beef and boiled potatoes. He ate a few small pieces of corned beef before reverting to his chicken nuggets and cauliflower. He is not a potato boy and spit those right out!
Before Shane's bath, which Dan is giving him right now, I snapped a few pictures of the boys in their St. Patrick's Day shirts!
Shane's day started out great because Grandma Carolyn came over so I could get some work done! I LOVE my Mother-In-Law! Shane was so happy to see her! I think he remembered just seeing her at the party. There were no tears at all!!! I was working on my computer and heard them playing and having a blast! Shane is so lucky to have 2 sets of grandparents who he adores & who adore him and spend so much time with him! My parents were here on Monday. I have no pictures from Monday, but snapped a few this afternoon. Shane is holding some measuring cups that Grandma gave him!
Shane's actual birthday was great! I blogged on the afternoon of his big day. The evening brought yummy cupcakes and a present from mommy and daddy! We love that little man! Here are pictures of Shane opening his birthday present! Unfortunately he liked opening it more than he liked the actual gift. We got him a penguin that blows up and can be knocked over. Shane liked that, he did not like the creepy laughing sound that the penguin makes. We have him turned off for now and will try to ease him into Shane's play routine.
Next came the happy birthday song and the cupcake! Shane wished for more cake!
After singing to Shane - it was time to eat! Here he is assessing the cupcake!
And he decided to just go for it!!!
I know you must be thinking that Shane is a neat eater or that I took off the frosting - no worries - check out the video & these pictures! There was nothing neat about this cake eating experience! In fact we went right from the high chair to the bathtub!
The next day we hung out at home and Shane let it sink in that he was really ONE! Shane showed off his big boy standing skills!
Then he decided it was time to hang out at the dog bowl - you never know if Thunder left a piece of food around or not and we all know Shane LOVES dog food! Even if there is no food, Shane loves to splash in Thunder's water bowl! That is why he is going to LOVE the splash table that Kristine & Connor gave him for his birthday!
Uh-OH BUSTED by Mommy!
Saturday, March 13th was the big party at Vito & Nick's! Thanks to everyone who came and made the day so special for our little man! We were overwhelmed by your generosity and all of the love you have for our son! He is one lucky boy! We tried to let Shane take a late morning nap so I went to the party early to set up and Dan came with Shane at noon. Shane was a little overwhelmed by all of the people and the noise, but he eventually settled down and had a blast! Here are some pictures of the big day! Unfortunately the camera blurred a bit and several pictures came out too dark. We are hoping the video is better! Here Shane is with his Grandmas!
Here Jorie and Jason caught up with Sandy, Danny hung out with Shane, Melanie and Debbie relaxed before the pizza came out & Cathy tried to entertain Shane & then relaxed with her brother John!
Connor was busy looking adorable, Grandma Carolyn and Aunt Geri talked about how cute Shane was, Jorie tried to calm Shane down, Jami & her handsome son Charlie smiled for me, and Lilli enjoyed some coke!
My parents enjoyed the lunch, John and Cathy caught up, Margaret and Bernadette marveled at how cute Shane was, John entertained his table, & Uncle Jerry & Aunt Geri enjoyed hanging out together!
Sandy and her granddaughter Lilli waited for the cake, Jorie & Jason chatted about Shane, the cake just prior to cutting & Jorie and Lynn discussing who else, but the Birthday boy!
Shane's friend Augie and his dad Dave hung out with Dan and Shane, Shane's doggie cake before Shane got his paws on it, the big song, and the eating of the cake part 2!
After cake it was time for presents! Shane was spoiled rotten! He received a tricycle that we can push, a slide, a water table, a fire engine, an airplane. little people play sets, a train from my great friend Lisa in PA, clothes from my friend Carrie in Maine, Yankees everything from my new friend Jules, clothes, clothes & more clothes! Thank you all!
After presents Shane started to get tired and said his goodbyes to Dave and Maria & Bertha & Ken - he was so sad that his party had to end!
Happy Birthday to the best child in the world! Love, Mommy!
One more thing! Shane, Daddy wrote a little note to you and he wanted to read it to you at your party. There never was a good time so I am putting it in here for you! You are so lucky to have a dad who loves you so much!
Dear Shane,
I just want to let you know that you are my dream come true. Ever since I can remember, I dreamed of having a son. You are that dream come true. Never could I have imagined that that day would be realized. I can remember the day you were born like it was yesterday! It will be one day that is indelible in my memory. You have changed my life now and forever for all good reasons. I cannot wait to watch you grow into a little boy and play ball with you, play with trains, help you ride your first bicycle, and do all those “boy” things. I’m excited for your future…